
Game Title : Storm over Kunlun pass

Publisher : Battles magazine

Game Designer : Terence Co

Game Thema : Counter attack of Chinese Kokumintou around Kunlun pass in December 1939

Game Scale
Period : 1 turn = 1 day
Map : 1 area = 1km2
Units : company level

Game Components
Half size map
1 counter sheet
1 rulebook

Game Sequences
TC phase
Random Event phase
Initiative phase
Player Impulses
End phase

The game uses typical “Storm over” engine. In Player Impulses, each player alternatively conducts a player impulse. In each impulse, a player can do either of move impulse, fire impulse or Tactical Chit action.
In TC phase, each player restores his Tactical Chits to his hand max. Chinese player always has hand max of 6. Japanese player at the start has hand max of 8. But, this number could be decreased by loss of control of important areas or introducing reinforcement.
Random event is rolled every turn. But, in this game, random event has not so powerful. It can introduce Chinese reinforcement or lose each player’s TC in hands reflecting supply problems.
In End phase, each player checks his units supply status.
For Japanese units, supply line can be traced along the road from Chu-Tang and it can enter only 1 area from the road. If unit could not trace a supply line, then those units could not become recovered from their spent status. This is a very serious problem in this game. This fact strongly limits the Japanese force acting only areas around supply road. But, there is help. If in the End phase, the Japanese player still have TCs in his hand he can discard 1 TC to keep his one area in supply.
For Chinese units, supply line can be traced in any friendly controlled area or neutral area. So, the things are much easier for Chinese because at least they are fighting in their country. If in case of supply problem, he still has the same option as the Japanese player, he can discard one of his TCs. But, this looks very unusual, since Japanese force are bound supply road and Chinese player has smaller number of TC hand max.
TCs are more powerful and more frequent than random events.
Japanese counter attack TC and Chinese night assault TC are the most common ones. These chits have very similar effect that in one impulse a player can do both move and fire for his units.
Artillery TC is an independent fire impulse which can be conducted without any units but only limited in areas in which you have your units in that area or adjacent area. Air force TC is similar, but not restricted. You can fire any area but with smaller firepower. Also, Air force TC can be used to cancel enemy Air force TC.
There are other TCs which can bring back your units to ready status, or which can modify combat die roll or which can give your units movement allowance doubled.

Challenge for players
The situation is interesting. The Japanese force occupies the important areas around Kunlun pass and it has only one supply road from Chu-Tang. The Japanese force is stronger and occupy the areas, which have higher TEM.
But, their problem is vulnerability of their supply road. And Chinese force has advantage of supply condition.
The victory is determined whether a player can occupy Kunlun pass area with supply line.
It looks difficult for Chinese force to get Japanese force away from Kunlun pass. But, for the Japanese player, it is not an easy job to keep a cleared supply line from Chu-Tang to Kunlun pass.

Final words
This is one of the easiest games of “Storm over” series.
And the situation is still interesting and challenging for both players even though it is neither big nor complicated.
Unfortunately this game is not a regular magazine game and only offered to first 1000 (probably) subscriber of Battles magazine. I really hope that this game will be republished as regular game and become more accessible.
Also, I must note that the same designer already designed similar theme, similar game system game, and “Storm over Taieruchuang” on ATO magazine as a regular issue game.