
Title, Barbarian, Kingdom and Empire
Designer, Erik Wilson
Publisher, Icarus Games

Components, 1 map, 6 counter sheets, rulebook, 2 dice, charts

Theme, Ancient conflict among barbarians, kingdoms and empires around Mediterranean Sea.

Game system,
This is an old game. But, the game system looks innovative even in 2016, now.
Each faction has 3 different stages, barbarian, kingdom, and empire.
They have very different mechanics with each other.
A faction usually starts the game as a barbarian. In this stage, player must first increase the number of his clan units. If he stacks two of them without doing anything, then he can recruit military unit. The type of military unit is determined randomly by die rolling. Once he gets the military units, he can move them to conduct combat and to invade other player’s territory.
The most important benefit of being a barbarian is that you don’t need to pay the upkeep cost for your military units. On the other hand, the most important demerit is that your whole clan must be connected each other units without intervening area. If your clan is divided into two or more pieces, then you must choose only one as your clan and other pieces are totally removed immediately.
Once you have ten units, your clan must become kingdom after the allowance period (usually 6 turns). In the stage of kingdom, you can collect the tax from cities in your territory. Now, you can deliberately choose to buy your military units. But, you must now pay the upkeep cost every turn. And you must check event table each turn. Some events will change your tax income and some events will require you to become empire.
Empire is generally the biggest power in the game. Your upkeep cost is higher than kingdom. And some events are very shocking, such as rebellion in which you will lose several city immediately.
In case of kingdoms and empires, you can spend large amount of tax to minimize the risk of event table. But, this strictly limits the size of military.

In this game, there are several scenarios. Some have historical testes such as Alexandros or Roman Empire. Some are freer setup.
In my opinion, Roman Empire scenario is my best favorites. One player acts as Roman Empire. Of course, he is on empire stage. Other players are barbarians. Since they are totally different, this scenario shows the widest variety of possible interactions.
I’m really surprised that the play of this scenario has real feel of the end of Roman Empire. It is huge and powerful, but aged and fragile. Barbarians are small but have youngness and in some aspects are wild.

If you are an ancient gamer, do not miss the chance to play this game. Unfortunately, it is not easy to get this game. But, if your friend has this, please try to play it at all cost. The rules are short, though filled with unique concepts. You can play the game within 2 hours (this is true for me even nonnative-English-reader), if you really would like to try it.