





Great operational / strategic system. With a few counters and a small map, a very pleasant gaming sensation is achieved. An essential


Very good game. Small footprint, well written rules, lovely looking. A deep simulation of the overall situation and how the military events impacted on the political, and vice versa. As in the the 1812 game supply is of utmost importance but more forgiving here. Allies have an abundance of cavalry and men in general but Napoleon has the interior lines and is still L'Empereur! Lots of different strategies to try but this is not that quick a game for often repeated plays. Worth having and highly recommended.


Small footprint って言うのですね。手垢が付き過ぎていないテーマというくらいの表現でしょうか。諸国民戦争は著名ですが、全体像が俯瞰でき軍事機動が見えるスケールの適当な作品を挙げよと言われても出てきません。AHの「諸国民戦争」があまりにミニモンスター過ぎてから誰も状況を打開できずに40年を過ぎてしまいましたか。



Incredible simulation of perhaps the most complex campaign of the 19th century. The game easily handles the diverse campaigns of spring and fall, 1813. The system is arguably the finest operational treatment of the period. Struggled to gain acceptance due to the small hexes and counters. But they work brilliantly, transitioning play seamlessly from the operational to the grand tactical realms. With hidden movement and the massive armies and areas of 1813, the game is truly epic, yet surprisingly playable. The most tense, exciting, and exhilarating games I ever played were with this masterpiece.


そうか、 perhaps the most complex campaign of the 19th century なのですから、おいそれと語るに足る新作が登場してこないのは無理もないことなのかも知れません。